Can you see if I still have little swallow feathers in my teeth?
When the bowl of "Bird Nest Soup" arrived, I was a little surprised with the color... and then I was even more surprised with the flavor! Any thoughts on what it tasted like?
The nests are tiny, but do not sell for a tiny price. In fact.... they are really, REALLY expensive! A small bowl of the "lower" quality "Bird Nest Soup" that I ate was almost $10.00. Steep price, when I can get a whole meal in Bangkok for about a dollar.
Okay... ready to know the favor? It was sweet! It had so much sugar in it that I thought I'd go into a diabetic fit! I don't think I've ever eaten anything that sweet in my life!
Given all that.... it was still wonderful!
Dateline Cambodia 17 July 2007: While talking with a young Khmer guy here in Siem Reap about my "Bird Nest Soup" experience in Bangkok he looked at me and said "You do know how the swallows make those nests don't you?" Well no... came my response... and by the look in his eye I was not sure I wanted to know either!
"Swallow saliva .... you ate bird spit soup" he told me as he doubled over in laughter when he saw my tanned face turn ashen white!
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