The rains are falling.... the ponds are full of intensively beautiful "Lotus" flowers... a colorful backdrop for a fantastic Thai lunch...

Lunch with Mr. Elvis and his family at their home. The large spread of very delicious looking Thai food was incredible.... baked fish, sour green vegetable soup, pig tongue, fried chicken wings, two kinds of spicy papaya salad with shrimp and peanuts, grass baskets with stickie rice .... all very delicious looking .... except for one plate of food....

Steamed baby chick embryo ... the baby chick is allowed to develop in the egg shell within just a few days of hatching. It is then steamed .... and from what the Thai tell me... it is very delicious!

I like Thai food.... I've eaten whole stir fried frog, came close to eating chopped duck with fresh uncooked duck blood... I've even eaten a oily tasting Water Beetle.... but this little steamed chick embryo....? No... I just couldn't gather enough strength to even try tasting it! Watching Mr. Elvis eat it was more than enough for me!

2 komente:
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I give it up to you for eating that. There is no way I could.
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