The blue ceiling.... beautiful.... but it didn't seem to cool down much the inside of the pagoda!
Once inside... was it cool? No... it was still hot! But there on the floor in the center of the pagoda.... yet another smaller pagoda housing the holy relics of Buddha. This smaller golden pagoda was immediately behind the multi-headed Naga that stood guard over the relics.
Ever wonder what Buddha's relics look like? Well here is a photo of the Buddha's bones enshrined in this pagoda
I've never totally understood this whole relic thing ... for people have told me here in Thailand that the cremated bones of someone who has gained "Enlightenment" are different .... they are more like little pearls than bones. And ... from what I've been told... these little pearls from the cremated remains... continue to grow and multiply....
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One you walk the path of the Dali Lama you are going to be one with G_d.
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